25 September 2011

MusicMafiaUK presents Jeremy Nicolls

Known for his silky smoothe vocals and intoxicating smile, Jeremy Nicolls has the heavenly ability to melt your heart, make you fall in love and just be carried off with the moods that he conjures up with his voice.

Born in October to Marlon and Joanne Nicolls, from the Caribbean paradise, twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago, both Jeremy and his sister Nakeisha spent hours listening to Fred Hammond, Smokie Norful and many top gospel singers. It was Nakeisha who between the ages three to five groomed Jeremy vocally and challenged him constantly. By age five he had memorized most of Fred Hammond's albums, words, ad-libs and harmonies.

Growing up in a church environment and with his parents also being singers, he has been exposed to traveling, meeting famous people and the stage life as early as he could remember. When asked 'what' and 'who' has influenced his life the most, Jeremy always says, "The 'what' is the Bible. I like the practicality of the stories. They have helped me through some tough decisions." The 'who', would be my parents. I've seen them do some impossible things, and they made me know that dreaming big isn't a bad thing.

Jay, as he is fondly known, is a sports enthusiast. He played with a national youth soccer team, is trained in kick-boxing and has aspired to shoot the basketball like his icon, Carmelo Anthony. He is a videographer and editor by profession, with a keen artistic ability to create mind-blowing presentations. While editing, he sings; while playing basketball, you can hear a sweet melody; in the shower, of course he must sing; in the guessed it...he sings.

Singing... "it's what makes him happy. He always says, "I've seen music change people's lives, calm down a crowd, bring men and women to tears, and put smiles on the hearts of many. So you know what? I wouldn't stop the melodies. It's who I am!"
Jeremy Marlon Nicolls, "Jay"

You can download the free mixtape here
youtube channel  

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