20 August 2014

DiAsFRICA to play LIMF’s main stage Sefton Park Liverpool

DiAsFRICA LIMF main stage Sefton Park Liverpool

DiAsFRICA to play LIMF’s main stage Sefton Park Liverpool

Local organisation with links to Brazil presents at LIMF’s main stage a unique show (in collaboration with over 10 organisations from Brazil, Africa, Liverpool and Manchester) with live music, movement and visuals showing the connections between Liverpool, Africa, Brazil, America and Caribbean cultures.

BrazUKa* has been working -in collaboration with Liverpool Drum Academy and Movema-to bring to Liverpool audiences an ambitious project:  DiAsFRICA*, a performance piece that tells the story of the transatlantic slave trade, stopping at main ports to show their cultural expressions and links with the UK: from Africa, Brazil, Norh America, and Caribbean arriving at modern urban British culture.

The audience is taken on a journey across the world: starting in West Africa we see traditional drumming and dancing. Travelling across to Brazil we witness the martial art of Capoeira, experience the trance rituals of Candomblé and the carnival fever of samba reggae.  We are moved by the heart felt melodies of the deep American South from slave cotton picking traditions and taken by an explosion of Caribbean reggae all culminating with a 23 piece ensemble of Hip Hop beats, break dancing, 12 piece drumming band, rapping and more!  

When: 24th of August-Sunday- 12pm noon
Where: LIMF (main stage) Sefton Park

An exert of the piece will be also presented as part of the celebrations of Slavery Remembrance Day on the 23rd of August, 2:30pm  at the Maritime Museum outdoor stage

“The show is a feast for the senses, with live music, dance, martial arts…the first show has wowed the audience and - we hope- left them more informed showing how Liverpool connects to Brazil, Africa,etc…DiAsFRICA expresses connections, strips away segregation, motivates mutual respect  – and our hopes of a more peaceful world-as our lyrics say we all share “one love, one life, one world”- Juliana Landim, Artistic Director

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