12 May 2014

Franco and the Dreadnought debut album review

Franco and the Dreadnought debut album review

Franco and the Dreadnought debut album review

Franco and the Dreadnought is an acoustic music act from Manchester, UK performed by gifted solo artist John Blaylock (Aka Franco).  Franco was born in England in May of 1982. He is a multi-instrumentalist talented musician. Franco sings, plays guitar, piano, drums, keyboards and bass guitar. He met his music partner, Martin, in 1999 in a music store… a Martin DXME Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar! They became inseparable music friends since then.

And with that, Franco and The Dreadnought's debut album is quite an accomplishment. Each track that comes up makes you want to listen to the next. From a simplistic start on track Moving Mountains the album grows in stature and power the further you immerse yourself in it.

With lyrical depth and emotion flowing through each track its perfect for relaxing and wishing the days away. 

It slips from glorious to eloquence in a heart beat. From the immense of sounds from tracks like Last Man Standing and to beautifully written and heart felt songs Musketeers

But then tracks like American dream throw a curve ball into the works with a completely different angle of electric guitar and an almost dance like intro which almost feels like a completely different artist (obviously it's not).

Monsters and Ghosts was a stand out track for me. Darker than the rest of the album yet still somehow uplifting in its approach. As is The Catch of the pride which is what I can only describe as gorgeous lyrically and emotionally.

A wonderful debut album and one that will work well live and although there are a lot of obvious influences from various artists that in no way diminishes the sound or feel of the album as a whole

The album's for sale for £7 from Franco's Facebook page

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