6 April 2010

Rihanna attacks Lady Gaga for 'selling out' with 'ad campaign' music videos

The diva has slated fellow stars for agreeing to lucrative deals with big bucks businesses to feature their products in their music videos.

In an interview with NME magazine, Rihanna, 22, said: I don’t like things to be so commercial. I hate product placement in my videos. Videos should just tell the story of the song.’

This may not be a direct swipe at Lady Gaga and Beyonce, who immersed their Telephone video in product placement, but the two stars’ feathers are likely to be ruffled by these put-downs from the Umbrella singer.

She went on to explain that music videos need to showcase the artist’s own style rather than be a tool of drawing in more money and, when the covers are pulled back, being nothing more than an ‘ad campaign’.

The star did admit that she is sometimes forced to showcase brands in her vids but asserted: ‘It’s never my first choice.’

Rihanna last year launched her Rated R album – the launch was actually assisted by Nokia.

She says that after her first two albums she reached a point in her career where she had to do it her way and not her label’s way.

She admitted: ‘The mystique I have kept has been because I don’t say a lot. There are a lot of rumours about me, every day it’s something new.’

‘I guess by not replying people never know what’s true and they never know what’s not true.’

The full Rihanna interview is available in the new-look NME magazine, out now.

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